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Miscellaneous1 - The Origin of Life

10 minute read

The origin of life is still shrouded in a haze of uncertainty. All attempts at clarification continue to use bold assumptions. So for now, it's still guesswo...

Life Part 4/4 - The story of energy supply.

4 minute read

Life is an active process. From the very beginning, energy was needed to make molecules and a little later to allow cells to multiply. Life has been creative...

Life Part 2/4 - The very beginning.

4 minute read

They haven’t figured it out yet. But 3.5 billion years ago, organic molecules grouped into a primitive cell, a unit that can reproduce itself. That’s how it ...

Earth Part 3/4 - Will there be a planet B?

3 minute read

The most pessimistic probability calculation tells us that there are numerous candidates. Two criteria are used: Can we go there and is it habitable? Especia...

Stonehenge Part 8/8 - Graves.

5 minute read

That Stoneheng has served as a cemetery for many centuries is certain. The numerous burial mounds prove it. They are all empty, there has been too much time ...

Stonehenge Part 7/8 - Overall picture.

7 minute read

The survey map shows so many archaeological sites that it is inevitable that Stonehenge is part of a whole. The fact that Stonehenge itself stands out is due...

Stonehenge Part 5/8 - People.

7 minute read

The plain of Salisbury has always had a special attraction for humans and animals. Old inhabitants from the west of the island came into contact here with ne...

Stonehenge Part 4/8 - Functions.

7 minute read

The purpose of Stonehenge is fairly clear these days. There will always be supporters and opponents of any option. The most acceptable proposition is that fu...

Stonehenge Part 3/8 - Special stones.

7 minute read

The remaining stones have all been given a number, the boreholes of the missing stones have been localised but not included in the numbering. We pick out a f...

Stonehenge Part 2/8 - Construction.

6 minute read

Stonehenge was built in several phases which together spanned at least 1,500 years. Man was already active in the area before the start of the work and remai...

Stonehenge Part 1/8 - The One and Only.

6 minute read

Stonehenge is older and more imposing than any other stone circle in Britain. Moreover, the construction is extremely sophisticated, no comparison can be mad...

Mars Part 1/4 - Interest in Mars.

6 minute read

Mars will be in the spotlight in February 2021. When this article appears, a new rover has landed on the red planet. The robot said: “Hello, world. My first ...